Translational Neuromodeling


This course provides a systematic introduction to Translational Neuromodeling (the development of mathematical models for diagnostics of brain diseases) and their application to concrete clinical questions (Computational Psychiatry/Psychosomatics). It focuses on a generative modeling strategy and discusses (hierarchical) Bayesian models of neuroimaging data and behaviour in detail.

Lectures and Exercises

The slides, exercises and solutions will be published here. To download the slides, please use the password distributed during the first lecture.

02/23Introduction to Translational Neuromodeling & Computational Psychiatry (slides)Psychiatric nosology and pathophysiology (slides)
03/02Generative models and principles of Bayesian inference (slides)exercise sheet 1solution to exercise 1: sheet and code
03/09Variational Bayes (VB) (slides)exercise sheet 2solution to exercise 2: sheet and code
03/16Bayesian model selection (slides)exercise sheet 3 and DCMs

solution to exercise 3:
sheet and code 

03/23Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) (slidesexercise sheet 4 and code solution to exercise 4:
sheet and code 
03/30No lectures (Easter week)
04/06No lectures (Easter week)
04/13A Bayesian framework for understanding psychiatric and psychosomatic diseases (slides)no exercise this week
04/20Generative models of fMRI data: DCM (slides)exercise sheet 5 and code (for this week's exercise you will need the SPM software)solution to exercise 5: sheet and code
04/27Generative models of EEG data: DCM (slides)exercise sheet 6 and code (download SPM)solutions to exercise 6: sheet
05/04Generative models of behavioural data: HGF and Predictive Coding (slides)exercise sheet 7 (for this week's exercise you will need TAPAS)solutions to exercise 7: sheet and code
05/11Computational concepts of schizophrenia, autism, and depression (slides)Project work
05/18Clinical neuromodeling: Model-based predictions about individual patients (slides)Project work
05/25Project workProject work
06/01Project presentationsProject presentations

Additional Information

If you have questions concerning the lecture or exercise, you can contact the TAs via email: tnu-teaching(at)

For further information, please consult the course catalogue.